Enabling International Calling
How do I enable International Calling on my account?
There are a few steps required in order to make international calls from your Sharpen account:
Approve your Public IP Address
Approve countries to be dialed
Dialing international numbers
Approve your Public IP Address
If you are not already, log in to Sharpen as an Administrator.
Click on the navigation menu in the upper left-hand corner.
Select Admin from the drop down menu
Hover over the Configuration tab at the top of the page.
Select intl approved ips.
Click the new ip button. A prompt will appear.
Enter the public IP for your location. If you do not know what your Public IP is, you can visit https://www.arin.net and it will be displayed at the top of the page.
Add a note if desired. We recommend entering the location name the IP Address is associated with.
Click the save button.
Your newly approved IP Address will be displayed in the list.
Approve countries to be dialed
If you are not already, log in to Sharpen as an Administrator.
Click on the navigation menu in the upper left-hand corner.
Select Admin from the drop down menu
Hover over the Configuration tab at the top of the page.
Select international.
Select the checkmark box for each country you wish to dial.
To view the country code as well as per minute rates, click the Rates option on the right-hand side of an individual country.
Dialing international numbers
Since most countries do not share the same infrastructure style, international dialing can be tricky at times. Here are a few tips to ensuring your international call is successful:
When dialing international numbers, the 011 prefix and country code are always required. This includes calls to countries such as Puerto Rico, Caribbean, etc.
An example of proper dialing is 011 44 1392885680 (This number leads to the UK Meteorological Office)
Sometimes it may be necessary to drop leading digits from the number that was found or provided to you. Examples are:
UK: 03709000100 becomes 011 44 3709000100
France: 0147777200 becomes 011 33 147777200
India: 04712322894 becomes 011914712322894
Related articles
This is one article in a series covering Admin Configuration topics.