New extensions are automatically created and assigned when you create a new user. Extensions are used to communicate internally. Direct inward dial numbers, DIDs, are used to communicate externally and are configured through available inbound routes, under Admin > Configuration > Inbound Routes.
The Extensions section helps you manage your existing extensions.
To create new users and extensions, see Admin > Settings > Manage Users.
Search your existing extensions here. You can search by extension number or user.
Sorting Options
Click the arrows to sort by a particular column.
View and edit details about the extension (not user account settings). Many of these options mimic the options available to that specific user, such as:
Full Name (generally the agent's name)
e911 Location
MAC Address
Outbound Caller ID
Call Recording
Voicemail Settings & Pin
For information on editing user account settings, refer to Admin > Settings > Manage Users.
This is one article in a series covering Admin Configuration topics.