Bot - Customer360
The “Bot - Customer360” panel is a tool that performs a review of a specific customer's inbound queue activity on the Sharpen platform. The panel only calculates data for inbound queue calls. This data can be useful in several use cases, such as identifying customers who have called in several times in the past 24 hours to accelerate their path to a qualified agent, identifying customers who have been transferred many times to resolve their issue, or identifying customers with poor CSAT feedback to provide an option to speak to a supervisor.
The panel collects data points and aggregates them into a JSON object under a specified interaction variable.
Using the panel
The metrics produced by the Customer360 panel can indicate customer trends, which can be used for decision-making in your Logic flow as much as for later review.
For example, this panel returns the number of times a caller has been transferred, which could indicate that their issue has not been resolved. You could connect this panel to a Set Variable panel to collect that specific data in a variable, then pass it to a Switch panel, configured to redirect customers who have been transferred multiple times to a queue with higher tier support agents.
Set as Flow Initiator: Selecting "Set as Flow Initiator" designates this panel as the starting point of the IVR flow, initiating the sequence before progressing to subsequent panels within the Logic+ flow.
Panel Name: Choose a consistent name for the panel, and specify the variable to update. If the variable does not already exist, it will be created.
Panel Description: Provide a clear description detailing the panel's purpose and functionality. This acts as documentation, facilitating better understanding and identification of the panel's intended use by others.
Customer Phone Number: Enter the customer phone number to query, typically the caller's ANI. The phone number may be entered as a string or in a variable.
Hours To Review: Enter or select the number of hours of customer data to review. Acceptable values range from 1 to 160.
Use Dropdown: Select a number option from the dropdown menu.
Use Variable: Enter a variable that stored a numerical value.
Customer Data Variable: Enter a unique variable name. This variable will store the results of the review and can be used in following panels. See additional information at the bottom of this page for more details.
Timeout: Enter or select the number of seconds to wait for the
Use Dropdown: Select a number option from the dropdown menu.
Use Variable: Enter a variable that stored a numerical value.
Exit Paths: Use the dropdown menu to select another panel in your flow. Any output from this panel will advance to the linked panel.
Default: Customer data was successfully retrieved
Error: The path taken when there is an error
Timeout: If the panel times out, default is set to one second.
Panel output: Review results
The JSON object returned by the Customer360 panel contains metrics on the selected customer’s inbound call queue history. The object includes the following properties:
: Average CSAT (customer satisfaction) score.totalTalkTime
: Total talk time. [ unit of measurement? hours/minutes/seconds? ]numTransfers
: Number of times transferred.numCallsAnswered
: Number of phone calls answered by an agent.numCalls
: Number of times the ANI has called in.
These values can be accessed directly by referencing the variable name and metric name. For example, to access the average CSAT score, use $(360metrics.avgCSAT).
Sending Customer 360 Metrics to Logic Classic or VCX
To set the variables for use within Logic Classic or VCX, you’ll need to determine which metrics you want to incorporate into your call routing decisions from the list above. Then:
Add a separate Set Variable panel to your Logic
Variable Name - specify the variable name to store each metric; insert “SharpenCX_ClassicLogic_” followed by your variable name you’d like to use in Logic Classic or VCX
(e.g. SharpenCX_ClassicLogic_numCalls)
Simple Value - reference your JSON object variable and metric variable in the following format: $([Customer Data Variable Name].[Metric Variable Name])
In the example below, the Set Variable panel corresponds to the Customer360 panel above, where the Customer Data variable is 360metrics. We’d like to return the number of calls that reached the queue, so we will utilize “numCalls” – written as $(360metrics.numCalls)
Additional Information:
Pulling specific data from the review results. The “Set Variable” panel offers one way to retrieve specific data returned by the Customer360 panel. Since the review is returned as a JSON object, try creating a variable in the Set Variable panel with the following characteristics:
Value Type: Select Expression.
Function: Select JSON Path.
Field One: Enter a reference to the Customer360 panel's customer data variable in the following format:
.Field Two: Enter the JSON path to the data that you want to collect.
The resulting variable should contain only the specified piece of data.
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