Send SMS

Send SMS

The “Send SMS” panel is a feature that allows you to send an SMS message according to the settings that you put into place.

Figure 1: Send SMS panel


To use this panel, you need to specify the following settings:

  1. Set as Flow Initiator: By selecting "Set as Flow Initiator," this panel will serve as the starting point of the IVR flow, before proceeding to subsequent panels within the Logic+ flow.

  2. Panel Name: It is recommended that you choose a name and keep it consistent. You will also need to specify the variable name to update. If the variable does not exist, it will be created.

  3. Panel Description: It is recommended to provide a clear description of the panel, detailing its purpose and functionality. This is akin to documentation, making it easier for others to understand and identify its intended use when they encounter it.

  4. To Number: This is the phone number where you want to send the SMS message.

  5. From Number: This is the phone number of the sender, also known as the caller ID. 

    1. Use Dropdown: Select a phone number option from the dropdown menu.

    2. Use Variable: Enter a variable that contains a phone number available for use in the Sharpen platform.

  6. Content: This is the full text content of the SMS message.

  7. Exit Paths: Use the dropdown menu to select another panel in your flow. Any output from this panel will advance to the linked panel.

    1. Default: The Default path is taken upon panel execution.

    2. Error: The path taken when there is an error


Figure 2: Configuring Send SMS panel


The phone number specified in the “From Number” setting must be a number in Inbound Routes. If the “From Number” is invalid, the Invalid Input exit path will be taken.

Additional Information

  1. To create tailored SMS messages that apply directly to the recipient, use interaction variables. This is especially helpful when the message content should be specific to each recipient, making the SMS message more personal and engaging.

    1. Related Article: Available Predefined Variables

  2. If the recipient replies to the SMS, the response will be sent back to the specified From Number.

  3. Agentless Article: Creating an Agentless Flow as Part of an OmniOut Campaign

It's important to remember to follow all relevant laws and guidelines for SMS messaging. Failure to comply may result in SMS messaging being blocked or disabled for the number.

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