Customer account or membership identification number
Numbers associated with an individual’s age
Specific calendar dates, which can include days of the week, dates, months, or years
Broader time periods, including date ranges, months, seasons, years, and decades
Dates of birth
Driver's permit numbers
Periods of time, specified as a number and a unit of time
Email addresses
Names of events or holidays
Names of computer files, including the extension or filepath
Terms indicating gender identity or sexual orientation, including slang terms
Healthcare numbers and health plan beneficiary numbers
Internet IP address, including IPv4 and IPv6 formats
Names of natural languages
Any named location reference
Full or partial physical mailing addresses, which can include: building name or number, street, city, county, state, country, zip code
Municipality names, including villages, towns, and cities
Geographic positions referred to using latitude, longitude, and/or elevation coordinates
Country names
State, province, territory, or prefecture names
Zip codes (including Zip+4), postcodes, or postal codes
Terms indicating marital status
Names and/or amounts of currency
Names of individuals, not including personal titles such as ‘Mrs.’ or ‘Mr.’
Names indicating a person’s family or community; often a last name in Western cultures and first name in Eastern cultures
Names given to an individual, usually at birth; often first / middle names in Western cultures and middle / last names in Eastern cultures
Full names, including professional titles and certifications, of medical professional, such as doctors and nurses
Numerical PII that doesn't fall under other categories (e.g., medical device serial numbers, computer numbers like MAC addresses and cookie IDs)
Job titles or professions
Names of organizations or departments within an organization
Names of medical facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc.
Terms indicating nationality, ethnicity, or provenance
Passport numbers, issued by any country
Account passwords, PINs, access keys, or verification answers
Telephone or fax numbers
Distinctive bodily attributes, including terms indicating race
Terms referring to a political party, movement, or ideology
Terms indicating religious affiliation
Social Security Numbers or international equivalent government identification numbers
Expressions indicating clock times
Internet addresses
Usernames, login names, or handles
Vehicle identification numbers (VINs), vehicle serial numbers, and license plate numbers
Names of Zodiac signs