

The "SharpenDB INSERT" panel is a powerful tool designed for users to execute INSERT queries on custom tables and data within SharpenDB. This feature enables users to customize table schemas and data fully. By utilizing this functionality, users can make informed decisions and enhance the customer experience with unique and engaging content.

Relevant information for configuring this panel can be found using Sharpen's public API documentation for SharpenDB. Your relevant isolation zone link IZ0 or IZ1

Figure 1: SharpenDB INSERT panel

Using the panel

The "SharpenDB INSERT" panel enables organizations to insert data in accordance with the configured Logic. For instance, a caller's Automatic Number Identification (ANI) can be recorded in a table based on the selections made during their interaction. This data can then be dynamically utilized to enhance the caller's experience during subsequent interactions.


  1. Set as Flow Initiator: Selecting "Set as Flow Initiator" designates this panel as the starting point of the IVR flow, initiating the sequence before progressing to subsequent panels within the Logic+ flow.

  2. Panel Name: Choose a consistent name for the panel, and specify the variable to update. If the variable does not already exist, it will be created.

  3. Panel Description: Provide a clear description detailing the panel's purpose and functionality. This acts as documentation, facilitating better understanding and identification of the panel's intended use by others.

  4. Test: Evaluate the functionality of the configured query to ensure it performs as expected.

    1. View JSON: Display the results of the query in JSON format for structured data analysis.

    2. View Table: Present the query results in a tabular format for easy readability and comparison.

  5. Table: Select an existing SharpenDB table to use and query

    1. Use Dropdown: Select a table that exists in the environment.

    2. Use Variable: A user-defined variable containing a string that matches a pre-existing SharpenDB table.

  6. Fields: Selectable fields/column names that exist in a SharpenDB table.

    1. Use Dropdown: Selectable “fields” that exist in the selected SharpenDB table.

    2. Use Variable: A user-defined variable containing a string that matches a pre-existing field in the SharpenDB table.

  7. Value: The value to be inserted into the selected field.

  8. Timeout: Configurable amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the SharpenDB query to respond with a result set.

    1. Use Dropdown: Specify a numerical value for when the time-out is met.

    2. Use Variable: A user-defined variable containing a numerical value.

  9. Exit Paths: Use the dropdown menu to select another panel in your flow. Any output from this panel will advance to the linked panel.

    1. Default: The Default path is taken upon panel execution.

    2. Timeout: The request time out was met, likely due to a non-performant query.






Figure 2: Configuring the SharpenDB INSERT panel






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