Custom Whisper Prompts
Whisper Prompts are what the agent hears just before they are connected to the calling party. It provides very brief information to the agent on something specific to that caller - like the caller’s name, a line of business, or their account standing, etc. Whisper Prompts are enabled for each Q by default. However, you'll need to assign a special QSkill in order to take advantage of them.
The whisper prompt is a Text-To-Speech (TTS) interpretation of the QSkill text value. To enable a skill as a Whisper Prompt, you'll need to add the prefix "wptts_" to the skill name. (e.g. "wptts_Platinum Member Q" would play a TTS prompt when the call is answered of "Platinum Member Q.")
Once you've added the appropriate skill with the "wptts_" prefix, you'll need to assign the skill to an interaction (just as you would a standard Q Skill) within the Logic Flow or Inbound Route.
For more information on assigning QSkills, please reference Q Skills .