Setting up Zoiper soft phone
Especially in the case of troubleshooting, it may be useful to setup Zoiper. This guide describes how to do so.
While the free Zoiper Community Edition is functional with Sharpen across the Windows, MacOS, and Linux operating systems, we do not endorse its use outside of testing.
If running for perpetual commercial use, you should purchase the product and understand the tool will not be supported by Sharpen.
If you’re only running the Windows operating system, an open source alternative, MicroSIP, might be a suitable option as well; often preferred for its lightweight, streamlined interface.
Navigate to
Locate your extension and choose the edit button
Take note of your “username”, “password”, and “Server Address” fields. Leave this page up to copy paste from.
Open Zoiper 5 after it has been installed from
Enter your credentials from the extensions page (username and password) then click Login.
In the server address field enter your server address from the extensions page, but with the following modified format:
If your server address was listed as on the extension page then you would enter in Zoiper.
Skip the Optional Authentication and Outbound proxy configuration.
You should see "found" for “SIP UDP” during the test, others may fail, that is fine.
Click “Next” and follow the prompts to configure your headset and microphone.
That's it! Please remember use of 3rd party clients is not supportable by the SharpenCare team.