Uploading/Importing Contacts List
From OctopusCX Dashboard, you want to start by navigating to Upload/Import by:
Selecting Quick Campaign from the application switcher
Navigate to Contacts > Upload/Import on the navigation panel to the left
Once you have completed the steps above, you will see a similar page to the one below:
To begin, navigate to the List details section. Here, you'll need to provide information for two fields:
The Name of the contact list
The Description of the contact list.
Enter the desired information in the appropriate fields, following the example below.
Next, you'll need to upload your contacts list. Please note that only Excel or CSV files are accepted. Once you have your list ready, you can upload it by dragging it onto the highlighted area or selecting it from your folder.
If you're unsure about the formatting or layout of your contacts list, you can download a sample by clicking the "Download Sample" button. The sample is available in both Excel and CSV formats.
After uploading your contacts list, you must assign matching fields to ensure the information is properly imported. This process is illustrated below.
The next fields let you define the behaviour when a duplicate contact is found in the contact list. The options you can choose from are:
Ignore: The duplicate contact will not be added
Keep Both: Both contacts will be kept and processed separately
Update: Update the original contact with the duplicate contact details
The following drop-down menu allows the user to decide on which column a match should be checked. The options are:
External ID
After completing the steps, click the Save button in the top right corner of the page to save the contact list.