Managing Contacts in OctopusCX Office
Start by navigating to Contacts by:
Selecting Office from the application switcher
Navigate to Contacts on the navigation panel to the left
You should see a page similar to the one below:
Creating a New Contact
To create a new contact, click on the + icon at the top right of the screen.
This will open a window like the one below, which should ask for some information. The information you will need from the contact is as follows:
First/Last Name
Cellphone Number
Begin by entering the user's details into the appropriate fields. You may also write a note about the contact. When finished, you can hit save, and the contact should be added to the contacts list.
Uploading a Contact List
Alternatively, you can upload a list of contacts from an Excel sheet or a CSV file. To do this, begin by clicking on the upload icon at the top right, next to the add contact button.
You then have the choice to drag in the Excel/CSV file or to find it on your computer manually.
Once you have selected the file, the window showing you the contacts in the contacts list file should be updated with a preview of the first few ros.
You may enable Ignore Duplicates to prevent the contact list from creating duplicate contacts and only listing one specific contact. This can be done by toggling the Ignore Duplicates button.
Next, you will be asked to assign the appropriate fields to each row. firstName, lastName, and Cellphone are required, but the rest are optional.
Once complete, you may hit Save, and you should see the new contacts in the list of contacts.
Editing an Existing Contact
To edit an existing contact, first, locate the contact you wish to edit in the contacts list. Next, click the Menu button. You should then see the option to Edit Contact.
You should see a window similar to the one below.
From here, you can edit any of the fields and hit Save when ready.
Deleting a Contact
To Delete an existing contact, first, locate the contact you wish to delete in the list of contacts. Next, click the Menu button. You should then see an option to Delete Contact.
A confirmation box will appear confirming if you wish to delete the contact. Click Delete to confirm and delete the contact.
The contact should then be deleted and removed from the list of contacts.