Managing Image Templates in OctopusCX Agent
Start by navigating to Admin > Images by:
Selecting Agent from the application switcher
Navigate to Admin on the navigation panel to the left
Select the Images tab at the top of the page
You should see a page similar to the one below.
To create a new Image template, begin by locating the New Image button at the top right of the images page.
A new window should appear asking for some information. Begin by giving the Image template a name.
Next, assign the user(s) and queue(s) you wish to have access to the image template.
Next, you will be required to upload the image. Click on the Upload button and select the image you wish to upload. Once you have selected an image, a preview of the image should be visible showing you the image you have selected.
The Disable option simply disables the image template, meaning that the user(s) assigned to it cannot use this image while the checkbox is ticked.
Once you are ready, click the Save button to create the image template.
Editing an Image Template
To edit an image template, first, locate an image that you wish to edit. Click the More options button and click Edit template.
You can now edit the Name and the Image of the image template. You can also set the image template to Disabled to prevent users from using the image.
Once you are ready, click the Save button to save changes to the image template.