Using Keywords in OctopusCX Dashboard
Navigate to the Keywords page by:
Hovering over the navigation menu to the left
Left click on Messaging
Left click on Keywords in the dropdown menu
Once you have completed the steps above, you will see a similar page to the one below:
To create a new keyword click on the Add Keyword at the top right of the screen.
Once clicked on, a box will appear displaying a list of options.
For Source Number, enter the number you would like to setup the keyword for.
Next, enter the keyword you wish to monitor the source number for.
Next, you may disable or enable the auto-response for a given keyword.
This is enabled by default and can be disabled by sliding the slider to the left.
Next, enter the Response Text.
Enter the message you would like the source number to respond with here.
Next, you can choose to enable the forwarding of the message(s) using the actions;
In the Forward Action, enter the Email or URL that you wish to forward the message to.
Next, hit Save, and you will be able to see the newly created keyword in the list of keywords.