Modifying User Role in OctopusCX Dashboard
Navigate to the User Roles page by;
Hovering over the navigation menu to the left
Left click on User Management
Left click on Roles in the dropdown menu
Once you have completed the steps above, you will see a similar page to the one below:
You may click the Add Role button at the top right of the screen to add a role.
Once clicked, a box will appear asking for the Role Name and Description.
Once done, click Save.
The new Role will be displayed in the list of roles.
Click on the role of choice to manage the role.
A box will then be displayed, presenting you with a number of options;
To add permissions to the role;
Click on the Permissions dropdown menu- Select Module.
Select a module.
Next, a list of permissions should be displayed, as pictured below;
Select individual permissions which you wish to add.
Alternatively, check the Add all checkbox to quickly add all the permissions.
Once you have added all the permissions as well as entered the Role Name and the Role Description, click the Save button to save the changes made to this role.