Managing Users in OctopusCX Dashboard
To manage users, you firstly want to navigate to the User Management page by;
Hovering over the navigation menu to the left
Left click on User Management
Left click on Users in the dropdown menu
Once you have completed the steps above, you will see a similar page to the one below:
To add a user you want to click on the Add User at the top right of the screen.
When clicked, a box should appear with some options necessary to add a new user.
Begin by entering in the users Email and Name into the appropriate fields.
The next option is for your profile picture. Here you would want to add a URL of a picture you would like to set as the users profile picture. This is optional and a default profile picture would be added if left empty.
Next, you are required to add an account(s) to your user. Simply select any users you wish to add from the dropdown menu.
Next, you will want to add the roles to the user. Simply select any roles you wish to add from the drop dropdown menu.
Next, you will be required to enter a password for the user. This can be a temporary password as the user can change the password once the user is created.
Once all the details are entered, you can hit the save button and should see the newly created user in the list of users.