Number Routing in OctopusCX Dashboard
Navigate to the User Roles page by;
Hovering over the navigation menu to the left
Left click on User Management
Left click on Roles in the dropdown menu
Once you have completed the steps above, you will see a similar page to the one below:
To edit one of the numbers, you can simply left-click on any of the numbers you wish to edit or click on the actions button and click edit.
You should see a box appear allowing you to change some information.
The Visible in screenpop option allows for the number to be visible in dropdowns that require a source number. Examples can be Composing a message.
The next option is Alias. The Alias will be the name used to identify the number.
The next option is Routed To. This option will decide where the message will be routed to. For example, if Octopus Office was selected, then all messages will appear in the inbox in Octopus Office.
Once you have entered all the information, you can hit the Update button to save the changes.