Accessing and using the Service Desk

Accessing and using the Service Desk

Utilizing the service desk requires approved access granted by Sharpen. If you had previously opened requests with Plum Voice support, you will have received an email from Plum Voice support@plumvoice.com with the subject line Welcome to Plum Voice Support Portal. If you have not received this email, please send a request to servicedeskaccess@sharpencx.com from the email address for which you would like to create an account.

Navigate to support.sharpencx.com and login with your credentials.

Upon clicking the “Login” button, you will be redirected to the login page as shown below. Login with the same email address normally used for logging into Plum Voice.

Once logged in, you’ll be greeted with the service desk home page which provides access to our request management tools.

Click one of the predefined request type links to open a request with us.


Opening requests

Either choose “Plum Voice” from the “Service Desks” drop down menu, or choose “Plum Voice” from the “New Request” Section.

From the Service Desks menu, you may see less options than displayed. You have access to the service desks associated with the Sharpen and Webtext services you are contracted for.

Then choose the appropriate request type.


Choosing a request will open the appropriate fields for the request. Please be sure to provide all the required detail as accurately as possible so we can provide the best support.

Viewing your requests

Looking to see a past or open request? Simply navigate to the home page to observe your requests


Alternatively, more filtering options are available by navigating to the “My Requests” option from the profile menu.

Clicking on the case will take you to the full details of the request, allowing for further engagement.


For additional answers to common questions, please refer to our FAQ

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