This article provides the steps to configure a Yealink phone to automatically connect to Sharpen.
Pre-Setup Tasks
Before starting the provisioning process, you should ensure that the following items have been entered into the specific extension page for the device you are attempting to program. This can be done via the Configuration>Extensions menu within Sharpen Admin.
Please confirm the following configuration has been saved for each extension you plan to provision before proceeding:
The MAC address has been designated and saved on the proper extension
The MAC should be entered strictly as an alpha-numeric string; do not include any colon characters in this field (i.e. 00:F3:62:B1:7A:03 should be expressed as 00F362B17A03)
Device type & device group have been designated and saved on the proper extension
Provisioning your Yealink Phone from the web interface
Open a web browser and navigate to the IP address of the phone (ex.
Login with default Polycom credentials
Navigate to Register>Account
Set the following fields
Line Active: Enabled
Label: (Insert extension number here, ie.- Ext 103)
Display Name: (User’s name here)
Register Name: This would be the user’s Username found on the extensions page within Sharpen. This should reside here:
User Name: (Same value as the Register Name)
Password: The password is a 32 character value found right under the field labeled ‘Extension’ from the image above.
SIP Server 1
Server host: Found on the extensions page under the field ‘Server Address’; Port: 5060
Transport: UDP
Server Expires: 240
Server Retry Counts: 3
SIP Server 2 (First section not used; Only set the Enable Outbound Proxy Server section)
Enable Outbound Proxy Server: Enabled
Outbound Proxy Server 1: (Same value as the Server Host field)
Outbound Proxy Server 2: (Same value as the Server Host field)
Next click the ‘Confirm’ button at the bottom of the page
Reboot the device by unplugging the phone and plugging it back in