A prerequisite to this step is that all of the prior sections have been completed.
Getting Started
Now that your campaign and contact data is prepared, it is time to begin building your cadence within the OmniOut Tool.
Navigate to Admin > Configuration > OmniOut. Then, select Sharpen Tables Campaign from the Source drop down. Click on the Next button.
Select the campaign you want to configure from the Campaign drop down. Click the Next button.
Select the Days of the week, the time zone, and the hours in which the campaign should run. If you’ve got contacts in different timezones and want to reach out based on the local time, check out this article.
Note: If the start and end hours are incorrectly selected, the user interface won’t let you reselect a time until the Reset button is clicked.
Status | Allows you to specify whether you want the campaign to actively look for leads/contacts added to the data source. If enabled, this process will run every 5 minutes. |
Days | The days of the week you'd like the campaign to run.
Timezone and Time Range | The timezone you want to assign to this campaign. This range determines when the system will pull interactions into the assigned Queue. Again, If you want to specify separate time zones (e.g. you don’t want west coast calls to be added to the queue until 8am PST) you should create a separate, time-zone specific campaign. |
Building the Cadence
All of the previous steps in this section have been leading to this—its time to actually build your cadence. Below is one of the statuses previous created, along with the corresponding classification drop-downs.
Status | All campaign statuses created within your data source will show up here. If a campaign stage or disposition option is missing, head back to Salesforce or Tables (depending on your source), make the change, and refresh OmniOut. |
Points | Points allow you to weight interactions within the Outbound Queue. Generally, you want later stages of the cadence (e.g. Call 5) to take priority over a new, 1st touchpoint. Otherwise, new prospects to the cadence would make it impossible to work through your previous prospects. |
Action | The action designates the type of interaction presented to the rep. In this case, the first touchpoint is a call, so the action will present as a “phone call.” This doesn’t limit the agent from another interaction type—it just serves as a reminder as they navigate dozens of cadences on different durations. Options for Actions are:
Edit |
The script is similar to Q Scripts in that you can surface scripts to the agent specific to the cadence touch point. For example, if you always want a specific voicemail on the 3rd contact, or specific email templates, you can enter them here. For more information on scripts, click here. |
Delay | Delay/Delay Unit = The amount of time that will pass from the time the interaction enters this status before triggering the interaction in the queue. Typically the first stage of a campaign/cadence would not have a delay.
Note: It is important to select the correct delay unit. If the desire is for a stage to happen 2 hours from now then select 2 hours...do not select 120 minutes.
End Results / Dispositions | To the right of the Delay Method field in the campaign stage there are selection boxes for each end result/disposition. As mentioned in a previous step, if these End Results and Dispositions do not match what you’d want to use, they can be modified within Sharpen Tables > FathomSASFCampaignsStatus under “structure” (even if you aren’t using SFDC as your data source). If this seems daunting, we would recommend reaching out to your Client Success manager, we are happy to help. For each end result/disposition, it is necessary to select the next campaign stage for the interaction if that disposition is selected by the agent when completing the interaction associated with this stage. |
Repeat for each cadence stage. Additionally, the configuration above will need to be completed for each disposition stage as well.
As you're working down the list of cadence stages be sure to verify that the appropriate action has been selected.
Linking the Agents & SharpenQ
In the Link Agents and Sharpen Q section of the campaign configuration select the Queue, Calling Method, and Agent Availability for each agent that should place interactions for this campaign.
Queue | All available queues will display within this dropdown. Ensure you select the appropriate outbound queue for this agent and this campaign. If you want to route all of “Adam’s” leads to “Adam” — choose a queue that only Adam will access, like a MyQ. If the leads do not need to be delivered to a specific person, you can route the interactions to a group queue (like “Sales”) so that leads are handled by any agent as they become available. |
Calling Method | This determines how you'd like the agents to proceed through the campaign.