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This feature allows you to leave a pre-recorded voicemail in your outbound Q or Sales Accelerator calls. Rather than waiting for the voicemail greeting to finish, users can click the One Click Voicemail button within the Interaction Page to select a voicemail option and hang up the call.

Sharpen then waits for the voicemail greeting to end, and leaves the pre-recorded voicemail. This can save your users time when making many outbound calls with the same message.

To configure One Click Voicemail, navigate to Configure > One Click Voicemail > New One Click Voicemail.

In addition to the name, there are a few more available options.


  • Create a basic name that also serves as a summary in order to quickly select this voicemail from the One-Click Voicemail List in the future.


  • One-Click voicemail essentially transfers the call from your extension to an automated extension in order to complete the call. Therefore, you need to assign an unused extension to each One-Click Voicemail.

Sound File

  • The audio recording you want to play when leaving a voicemail. Create a new sound file in Admin > Configuration > Sound Files.

Max Wait For Silence In Seconds

  • The amount of time the system waits in an attempt to leave a voicemail. For example, a wait time of 20 seconds means the system will wait an additional 20 seconds after you hang up, listening for “silence.” If the remainder of the voicemail greeting is longer than 20 seconds, then the system will not leave a voicemail.


  • Choose the corresponding skills you’d like to associate with this Voicemail (e.g., you want to use a specific voicemail whenever the CS2 Skill is applied to an interaction).


  • Specify where this Voicemail is available. You must select a queue option.

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