Creating a Campaign in Sharpen Tables

Creating a Campaign in Sharpen Tables

After you’ve installed OmniOut, you are ready to create a campaign within Sharpen Tables. First, you’re going we are going to create a campaign. Then, we’ll add the statuses to the campaign.

Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Sharpen Tables > Sales Accelerator Campaigns (this is one of the newly created tables).

At the bottom of the table, click the Add Record button.

This will open the Data Record window where you will name your campaign. If you are creating more than one campaign, you can toggle the Add Another switch. Name your campaign and click Create Record.

After creating your campaign, click the Show Keys button at the bottom of the table. Click this button to reveal the unique key for your campaign. Copy this key for the next step in the process. Without this key, you will not be able to tie OmniOut Campaign Statuses (our next step) to the new campaign.