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In order to create an Agentless send, you’ll first need to create a Logic+ flow. Within Logic+, you’ll be able to design a flow that sends an SMS, Email, or Calls-to-IVR without agent intervention. Don’t worry, it’s as easy as making the panel for your communication type.

Once created, you’ll assign your Logic+ flow to a campaign stage. Select one of the options below to jump to the appropriate section.

Creating an Agentless Logic+ Flow

To get started on your agentless send, you’ll need to navigate to Admin > Configuration > Logic+. Then, click “Add New Logic.”

Once you are in your new Logic+ flow, you have the ability to create a new flow through the UI Panels or via JSON editing. For the purposes of this guide, we’ll be using the panels, but you can toggle your view at any time by using the Panels or JSON icons at the top of your editor.

Available Variables

OmniOut will pass the following variables to Logic+

Before we start adding in our panels, let’s call out the variables you have at your disposal. Many of these will not be necessary to use as part of your flow—they’re just listed here for full transparency. The green highlights are for commonly used variables.

Field Name

Sample Value




'No Interest'






















'Graham Bell'






'ABC Cool Company'











You can use as many (or as few) variables as necessary within the panels of your campaign.

Creating an SMS Panel

In this example, we are going to use the $(email) and $(firstName) variables from the list above.

Click the Create Panel button, then select Send SMS.

You’ll need to provide a Panel Name. In the example below, we’ll designate this panel as an Appointment Reminder.

SMS-Specific Panel Fields

Field Name



You’ll use the number variable of “$(number)” - This means that the recipient is whatever phone number is passed from OmniOut. 👍


For the Sender field, you must use an inbound route that is listed under Admin > Configuration > Inbound Routes.

You will not be able to publish your Logic+ flow if the number is not available within your Inbound Routes.


This is the body of your message. You can also use the variables listed above in this message body.

For Example:
”Hey, $(firstname)!

This is a courtesy reminder that you have an appointment coming up tomorrow. If you need to reschedule, please respond to this message or call our offices at 317.123.4567.

Have a great day and see you soon.”

At this point, you have a functioning agentless flow! (Easy, right?) You’ve set variables and used them to create an SMS panel. If this is the only action you want to take for the flow, you can skip to the OmniOut Action section if you’d like.

Continue on if you want to see examples for email and Voice Panels Logic. We this will also show you how to connect multiple panels.

Creating an Email Panel

In this case, we are going to use the $(email) variable.

Just like before, we’ll navigate back to the New Panel button and select Send Email.

Email-Specific Fields

Field Name


Recipient Email

For the Recipient you’ll use the “$(email)” variable set above. This means that the recipient is whatever email is passed from OmniOut.

Sender Name

Enter the friendly name you want to use for your email. (e.g. Sharpen Customer Support)

Sender Email

This is the email you’ll use to send the email. (e.g.

This email address or domain must be whitelisted by Sharpen through Amazon SES. Please reach out to your CSM with any questions about this process.

Logic+ will allow you to save and publish your flow, but the message will not be sent unless the whitelist process is complete.


The subject line of your email


This is the body of your email message. This field supports HTML markup if you want to add some flair to your message. You can use an HTML markup tool like if you need to create a message and output the HTML.

For Example:
<p>Hey, $(firstname)!</p>
<p>This is a courtesy reminder that you have an appointment coming up tomorrow. If you need to reschedule, please respond to this message or call our offices at 317.123.4567.</p>
<p>Have a great day and see you soon.</p>
<p>-Your ABC Care Team</p>

Here is what our example looks like when filled out:

Connecting Logic+ Panels

Now, you’ll need to connect your panels to each other to make a basic flow. Choose one of your panels as the “Flow Initiator.” This can be seen in the upper-right corner of any panel and designates this panel as the “beginning” of your flow. In this case, we’ll use the SMS Panel as the initiator.

You can connect your panels by using the Exits Section of the Panel. From Exits in the SMS Panel, we’ll select the Email Panel — letting Logic+ know that the flow should progress from the SMS Panel to the Email Panel. Once selected, you’ll see a pathway form between the two panels.

Creating an Outbound Voice Panel

Our final agentless option is to place an outbound call that goes to an Auto Attendant (Logic Classic). This option allows you to place bulk outbound calls to an auto attendant for Self-Service, to play a voice prompt to a user, etc.

To use this option, select “Transfer to Logic Classic” from the New Panel type.

Logic Classic Fields

Field Name


Recipient Number

For the Recipient Number you’ll use the same $(phone) variable from above.

Again, this means that the recipient is whatever phone number is passed from OmniOut. 👍

CallerID Number

For the CallerID field, you must use an inbound route that is listed under Admin > Configuration > Inbound Routes.

You will not be able to publish your Logic+ flow if the number is not available within your Inbound Routes.

Transfer Number

This refers to the inbound route pointed to a Logic Classic flow. Think of this as the number you are using to transfer the caller to your logic classic.

Please search this knowledgebase if you would like to learn more about configuring an inbound logic flow.

Connection Timeout

The duration in seconds this flow will wait for a connection before timing out (and ultimately not transferring to the Logic Classic).

Here is an example utilizing the Transfer to Logic Classic panel with the information above. Note: the Exit section of the Email Panel is now pointing to the Agentless Call Panel.

In the example above, we have three different agentless actions taking place. The contact would receive an SMS reminder, an email reminder, and receive a call that would point towards a Logic Classic prompt. This was more for illustrative purposes than anything—just to show you the flexibility of the different panels.

We’d recommend you don’t have so many communication layers in a single flow as they’ll happen simultaneously. Generally, try to take a “less is more” approach and create different Logic+ flows as they meet your needs.

Publish your Logic+ flow

Finally, once you’ve configured your Logic+ flow to your liking, you’ll need to Save and Publish using the buttons in the upper-right corner. Once the Draft is saved, you’ll be able to Publish your new flow.

Once published, your Logic+ flow will show up in OmniOut as an Agentless Action.

Setting a Logic+ Flow as Your Omniout Action

When creating an OmniOut flow, you now have the option to select “Agentless” from the Action Dropdown menu on a given Cadence step. This new Agentless option allows you to send SMS, Email, or Calls-to-IVR without agent intervention.

To get started, select Agentless from the Action Dropdown for a given step.

This will load a second drop down labeled “Logic ID.” Select your agentless Logic+ flow from this drop down menu. If you do not see Agentless within the drop down or are unable to save your agentless step, make sure the LogicID field has been added to the FathomSASFCampaignsStatus table.

 Where's that?

The FathomSASFCampaignsStatus table can be found in SharpenTables

Since an agentless interaction can’t have dynamic dispositions, the outcome of your agentless step for SMS and Email will be the default disposition for your campaign. Ensure that the default disposition routes to the appropriate OmniOut stage (likely the next stage). 

Note: If you do not already have an agentless Logic+ flow created, save your campaign, open a new tab in your browser,  and navigate to Admin > Configuration > Logic+.

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