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The "Play Message" panel is a feature that enables playing prompts as audio files or through text-to-speech conversion. Additionally, it captures DTMF inputs from callers, which can influence routing decisions within a Logic+ flow.

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Using this panel

Message playback is optional. To use it, you must supply either a prerecorded audio file for playback or a text string to be spoken via the text-to-speech engine. Audio files must use the .WAV file type only[?] and can be either uploaded directly to the panel or linked via URL.

Collecting DTMF input is also optional. If used, then we recommend declaring a variable to store and pass that input to any subsequent panels. You can declare this variable in the DTMF Response Variable Name field in the panel.


  1. Set as Flow Initiator:


  1. Selecting "Set as Flow Initiator


  1. " designates this panel


  1. as the starting point of the IVR flow, initiating the sequence before


  1. progressing to subsequent panels within the Logic+ flow.

  2. Panel Name:


  1. Choose a consistent name for the panel, and specify the variable


  1. to update. If the variable does not already exist, it will be created.

  2. Panel Description:


  1. Provide a clear description


  1. detailing the panel


  1. 's purpose and functionality. This


  1. acts as documentation, facilitating better understanding and identification of the panel's intended use by others.

  2. Upload .wav file:


  • For .wav format requirements, read this article










Input Type:


DTMF Response Variable Name:




Repeat Count:


Repeat Delay:


Maximum DTMF Length:


Minimum DTMF Length:


Between-Input Timeout:


Terminating Character:


Valid DTMF Inputs:

Exit Paths

There are three exit paths from the Play Message panel:


Default: The Default path is taken upon regular panel execution.


  1. Use this section to add a new audio file by clicking “Choose File” and selecting the appropriate .wav file to upload. For format specifications, see the Logic+ Sound Files page.

  2. Prompt: Choose a hosted audio file to play using the following options:

    1. Use Dropdown: Select an audio file from the dropdown menu.

    2. Use Variable: Applying a variable for sound files allows for dynamic caller experiences within the same IVR flow.

  3. Language: Choose a language to use for text-to-speech (TTS) reading by either using the dropdown menu (default) or entering a variable. Selecting a language enables the Voice field below to display available voice names. See the AWS Polly pagefor currently available languages.

    1. Use Dropdown: Choose a language from the drop-down menu. Not all languages listed in this menu have voices available.

    2. Use Variable: Applying a variable for languages enables varied caller experiences within the same IVR flow.

  4. Voice: Choose a TTS engine voice for your selected language. The default is Joanna (US English). See the AWS Polly page for currently available languages and voices.

    1. Use Dropdown: Select a voice from the dropdown menu.

    2. Use Variable: Enter a variable containing a voice name available for the selected language. Valid voice names must have a capital first letter and no diacritic marks. See the AWS Polly page for more details.

  5. Content: Enter a message for the selected TTS engine to read as a prompt to callers.

  6. Input Type: Select an input type. Options are none and dtmf. This determines whether this panel will accept DTMF input from callers.

  7. DTMF Response Variable Name: Enter a unique variable name. This variable will be used to store any DTMF input from callers if dtmf was selected for Input Type above. Optional but important if you want to pass any input values to other panels for additional actions.

  8. Interruptible: If enabled, this option allows callers to interrupt the prompt with a DTMF input, which routes them to the next step in the flow. This setting uses a toggle.

    1. Use Toggle: If switched off (default), DTMF input will not interrupt audio prompts. If switched on, the DTMF input will interrupt.

  9. Repeat Count: Enter or select the number of times any audio prompt should be repeated. The default value is 0. If the panel would repeat more than this limit, the caller will proceed through the exit path labeled Repeat Limit Reached.

    1. Use Number: Specify the number of prompt repetitions before routing through the RepeatLimitReached path.

    2. Use Variable: Using a variable for repeat count enables dynamic caller experiences in the same IVR flow.

  10. Repeat Delay: Enter or select the number of seconds to wait before repeating an audio prompt.

    1. Use Number: Specify the time interval between prompt repetitions.

    2. Use Variable: Using a variable for repeat delay allows flexible caller interactions in the IVR flow.

  11. Maximum DTMF Length: Enter or select a number for the maximum length of any DTMF input. For example, 3 would allow this panel to accept three DTMF inputs or less (e.g., 123, 85, or 6) but not four or more (e.g., 1234).

    1. Use Number: Set the maximum allowable length for DTMF inputs.

    2. Use Variable: A variable for maximum DTMF length provides flexibility in the IVR flow.

  12. Minimum DTMF Length: Enter or select a number for the minimum length of any DTMF input. For example, 5 would allow this panel to accept five DTMF inputs or more (e.g., 12345 or 85056124) but not 4 or less (e.g., 1234, 850, 61, or 7).

    1. Use Number: Define the minimum acceptable DTMF input length.

    2. Use Variable: Applying a variable for minimum DTMF length enables a varied caller experience.

  13. Between-Input Timeout: Enter or select the number of seconds allowed between any two consecutive inputs. The default value is 1. Acceptable values range from 1 to 10 seconds.

    1. Use Number: Set the time limit for caller DTMF entry.

    2. Use Variable: Using a variable for timeout provides dynamic options in the IVR flow.

  14. Terminating Character: Select a number or character that signals that DTMF input is finished. Options include numbers 0-9, *, and #.

  15. Valid DTMF Inputs: Add DTMF strings that this panel should consider valid when input by a caller. Enter a DTMF string, then select the Create button to add it to this field. Input that matches any entries here will be stored in the variable created using DTMF Response Variable Name above.

  16. Exit Paths: Use each exit path's dropdown menu to select another panel in your flow. Any output from this panel will advance to the linked panel.

    1. Default: Select an exit path to take by default, including if the panel receives any valid input when compared against the entries under Valid DTMF Inputs.

    2. Repeat Limit Reached: Select an exit path to take if this panel's audio prompt would repeat more than the limit set under Repeat Count.

    3. Error: This path is taken if there was an error.

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