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When using Sharpen Q phone, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge WebRTC Internals logs can be used to troubleshoot audio issues, such as one-way audio. These logs can verify if audio is being received from the agent’s mic and audio from the remote side.


This video tutorial shows the setup process, a test call, and log gathering. The test call is meant to represent the issue you may be experiencing. Performing the test call is not a required part of the process.


Steps to collect standard webRTC data:

  1. Open Google Chrome and enter chrome://webrtc-internals into the address bar. If using Microsoft Edge, enter edge://webrtc-internals.
    It is at this point that webRTC internals logging is tracking the data we need.

  2. Leaving the webrtc-internals tab open, navigate back to Sharpen Q and reproduce the issue
    *Be sure to leave the webrtc-internals tab open during the reproduction of the issue*


  1. Once you’ve reproduced the issue, stay active during the call, and navigate back to the webrtc-internals tab and click the ‘Create a WebRTC-internals Dump' arrow in the top left corner to expand.


    1. If for some reason the issue has passed unexpectedly, and the gathering the log has to happen after the call has disconnected, try to gather this information within 30 seconds from the time of reproduction.

  1. Click the “Download the


  1. “webrtc-internals dump” button to save the dump file

  2. Disconnect the call

  3. Save the file to a known location and upload it to the SharpenCare request you are working on

title[Optional] Enabling diagnostic events and recordings?

The process for gathering additional diagnostic recordings follows the same procedure as above, but with a few more steps.

  1. Open Google Chrome and enter chrome://webrtc-internals into the address bar. If using Microsoft Edge, enter edge://webrtc-internals.
    It is at this point that webRTC internals logging is tracking the data we need.

  2. Click the ‘Create Dump' arrow in the top left corner to expand

  3. Check "Enable diagnostic audio recordings" which prompts where to save the file, create a new folder called "WebRTCDump" and hit "Save"

  4. Check "Enable diagnostic packet and event recording" and "Save" to "WebRTC Dump" folder

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  5. Leaving the webrtc-internals tab open, navigate back to Sharpen Q and reproduce the issue

  6. Following the reproduction of the issue, navigate back to the webrtc-internals tab and click the ‘Create Dump' arrow in the top left corner to expand (if not already expanded)

  7. Click “Download the PeerConnection updates and stats data” button and save this txt file to the "WebRTC Dump" folder

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  8. After all of the files have been saved in the "WebRTC Dump" folder, please attach it to the ticket. If the folder is too large to upload, zip or compress the folder and attach it to the ticket