The Report-Building Interface
When building a new report (or modifying an existing report) in Insights, the Report-Building interface, of three main areas:
Side Navigation
Side Configuration Panel
Side Configuration Panel
Within the Side Configuration Panel, a user can revisit and/or modify the report's basic Settings, set a Results Limit, configure Live settings, set a custom date range, and add fields and groupings to the report.
Modifying a report's basic settings
When viewing an existing report, the Settings button allows for changes to be made to the report's name, time zone, and label(s).
Note: Once a report has been built and saved, the data source cannot be changed.
The top row of buttons within the side configuration panel will appear differently depending on where/how the report is being built (from a template vs. from scratch).
Once a report has been built/saved, four buttons replace the two, as shown below.
Setting a results limit
The max results limit—20,000—is also the default value.
Configuring Live settings
Live functionality, when enabled, causes a report to refresh itself on a set interval, in order to provide a real-time view of what's happening. To create a live version of a report, switch the Live toggle to on.
Here's what it looks like with the Live switch turned on:
Setting a date range
The default date range is set to past week. Additional options include today, past 30 days, this month, last month, or custom.
Setting a custom date range
A custom date range provides added flexibility, as you can select a year/month/day and hh:mm:ss for the report to return data from as well as to, as shown below.
Add fields and groupings
Fields are the data a report shows; groupings impact how the data is presented.