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To allow for more advanced troubleshooting, it may be useful to observe Sharpen's debug mode console tracing, as well as Chrome Network logs. These logs allow for the population of more granular Q data within the console log including the socket event, currentlocation, queue call manager ID, caller ID, and timeliness of transactions. 



 This article explains how to gather…

  • Chrome console logs with debug mode, time stamps, and persistence enabled

  • Chrome network logs with persistence enabled

Video Tutorial

This video tutorial shows the setup process, a test call, and log gathering. The test call is meant to represent the issue you may be experiencing. Performing the test call is not a required part of the process.

Getting started

The first step in advanced browser troubleshooting is understanding how to get gaining access to the Chrome dev console logs. To gain access to the console logs, simply . Simply right click in the browser area and choose "Inspect".


You're there!

Now onto the good stuff.

Sharpen Console logs with debug mode:

To enable debug logging, it is important to consider which operating system you're running. Steps to enable debug mode are slightly different. Please follow the steps below depending on whether you're running Windows or MacOS.


  1. Navigate to the appropriate view of Sharpen within in Google Chrome

  2. Click in a Chromium based browseran open space within the app

  3. Press Ctrl + M on your keyboard

    1. You should a message in the Console Logs for “debug mode on”

      Image Added
  4. Right-click in any empty space and choose "Inspect" 

  5. Choose Navigate to the "SourcesConsole" tab

  6. Observe the pane on the right side of the screen and find the "Watch" sub panel

  7. Click the "+" button

  8. Enter localStorage.debug=true

  9. Hit Enter

  10. Refresh your browser

    1. You should notice a yellow panel/highlight across the top of your Q view. This indicates debug mode is on

  11. Navigate back to the console tab

  12. To toggle off, simply adjust the value to falseTo toggle off, simply press Ctrl + M again

    1. You should a message in the Console Logs for “debug mode off”

  13. If Option M does not work, please use the steps in the “A different OS?” section below


  1. Navigate to the appropriate view of Sharpen within in a Chromium based browserGoogle Chrome

  2. Click in an open space within the app

  3. Press Option - + D on your keyboard

    1. You should notice a yellow panel/highlight across the top of your Q view. This indicates debug mode is ona message in the Console Logs for “debug mode on”

      Image Added
  4. Right-click in any empty space and choose "Inspect" 

  5. Navigate to the "Console" tab

  6. To toggle off, simply press Option - D again

    1. The yellow bar should go away at this time


    1. You should a message in the Console Logs for “debug mode off”

  1. If Option D does not work, please use the steps in the “A different OS?” section below

A different OS?:


  1. Navigate to the appropriate view of Sharpen within in a Chromium based browser

  2. Right-click in any empty space and choose "Inspect" 

  3. Choose the "Sources" tab

  4. Observe the pane on the right side of the screen and find the "Watch" sub panel

  5. Click the "+" button

  6. Enter localStorage.debug=true

  7. Hit Enter

  8. Refresh your browser

    1. You should a message in the Console Logs for “debug mode on”

      Image Added
  9. Navigate back to the console tab

  10. To toggle off, simply adjust the value to false

Enabling timestamps and log persistence in console logging:

Now, with debug mode enabled, we're getting more details events about Sharpen Q. The next step is to make sure time stamps are enabled so we can see when events are occurring.

  1. After inspecting the page, navigate to the "Console" tab.

  2. Look for the Gear Icon, next to the three vertical dotsNext, choose settings, to navigate to Settings

    Image Added
  3. Make sure both "Show timestamps" and "the following preferences are checked:

    1. Under Console

      1. Show timestamps

      2. Preserve log upon navigation

    " are checked under Preferences>Console subsection.


    1. Under Network

      1. Preserve log


Reproducing the issue:

Logging is all setup. We're ready to reproduce the issue. Upon every reproduction it is best practice to clear out the logging for the console and network tabs before getting started.

  1. Navigate to the "Console" tab

  2. Click the "Clear Console" button

    Image Added
  3. Navigate to the "Network" tab

  4. Click the "Clear" button

    Image Added
  5. Reproduce the issue


Saving the logs:

Once we've reproduced the issue, it is very important to download both the Console and Network logs before exiting the browser.

Saving console logs:

  1. Navigate to the "Console" tab

  2. Right-click in the log space

  3. Choose "Save As..."

  4. Leave the file name as is, and save to a known directory

Saving network logs:

  1. Navigate to the "Network" tab

  2. Click the "Export HAR" button

  3. Unlike the Chrome console log, the default file name does not contain a time stamp. Add a date/time reference to the file name and save to a known directory.


At this point you're ready to package the files and send them to Sharpen. Simply zip them up and send them to SharpenCare with the associated case.

Historic browser logging

If the issue you're experiencing does not happen on demand, or predictably, you may need to enable Chrome net-export logging to run in the background while you wait for the issue to occur. The steps are simple


  1. Open a new Chrome tab

    1. It is important you leave this tab open for the duration of your session and intended reproduction. If the tab is closed, logging will stop.

  2. Input chrome://net-export into the URL bar as shown below

  3. Click the large "Start Logging to Disk" button

  4. Choose a location to save the file and add a date/time designation to the filename

  5. Save

  6. Navigate back to your Sharpen tab and reproduce the issue

  7. Once you have reproduced the issue, navigate back to the "Network Log Export" tab and choose "Stop Logging"

  8. Navigate to the file directory you previously set and send the log to Sharpen 

Filter by label (Content by label)
labelsDebug Chrome Logging Logs Sharpen Q Troubleshooting
cqllabel in ( "chrome" , "troubleshooting" , "debug" , "sharpen" , "q" , "logs" , "logging" ) and type = "page" and space = "CT1"


