Versions Compared


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Getting started

First, navigate to the Insights home screen, and click the +New Chart button. This will cause a pop-out window to appear, where we can give the chart a name, select a data source, double check the time zone, add relevant labels, and link a report.

For now, let’s name this one Incoming Support Interactions.

Queue Segment Activity makes sense for the data source. We’ll keep the time zone as is, and add a “CS” (Support Q) label.


Adding fields (and a grouping)

From here, the fundamentals of building a chart are very similar to building a report. 

We'll need to add some fields, and at least one grouping. At least one grouping is required for most chart types (Big Number Stat's the exception).

Adding fields

A simple breakdown (by communication type) of inbound support interactions is pretty easy to build. We only need two fields and one grouping to get started.


Since we are after a breakdown by communication type, then we need to add that as our grouping.


Filtering results

While the current iteration of this pie chart accomplishes the original intention—we can easily see that well over half of the Q's interactions have been in the form of cases. This raises an interesting point, then, as different communication types have different expectations, speed-wise. Cases are typically not expected to be as expedient as a chat or inbound call. 


If we are going to want this chart to only show real-time interactions moving forward, building a filter group and then saving the chart will accomplish this.


Alternate grouping—by agent

If we would rather see a breakdown of incoming support interactions by the agent who answered them, we can instead group by Agent Name. 
