This section covers these steps in more detail.
Step 1: Create a new Logic
In the Logic+ home page, select New Logic+. A slide-out panel will be displayed.
Complete the displayed form fields:
Name: Enter a name for the new Logic.
Description: (optional) Enter any descriptive notes about the Logic here.
Select Submit. The Logic will be created and immediately opened in the Logic Editor, which will be displayed.
You can edit the Logic's name and description later if needed.
For more details, see Step 4: Set up Routing… below.
What’s next?
You will build the Logic’s flow, which defines what it does and how works.
Step 2: Build the flow
Add and configure panels. From the Panels Editor, drag and drop any panels you might need onto the Workspace. You can add a panel and configure it before adding more, or add several panels at once and configure them all afterward.
Connect panels to each another. Decide the order in which your panels should work, then connect them. As shown in Figure #, drag your first panel's output onto the next panel's input. Connect the next panel in sequence, and continue until all desired panels have been connected into one flow.
What if I leave some panels out? Your Logic's flow will only use the panels that you connect. It's okay to leave any unconnected panels in the workspace if desired.
Set a starting panel. Double-click the desired panel and select the Set as Flow Initiator button.
Revise your flow if needed. You can continue to add, configure, rearrange, and remove panels as needed. If you believe no other changes are needed, then your flow is complete.
Where does the flow end? A Logic's flow ends at the very last panel in sequence. We recommend testing your Logic to be sure that your Logic performs—and ends—as you intend.
What’s next?
You will perform some amount of testing to ensure that the Logic will run when triggered.
Step 3: Test the flow
Note |
The Verify Logic button starts a flow-checking feature in the Logic Editor. It identifies issues that would cause your Logic to fail to run. At minimum, these issues should be resolved before proceeding. |
In the Logic Editor, select the Verify Logic button. A dialog window will be displayed that either identifies an issue within your flow or verifies that no issues were found.
If any issue was identified...
Locate the issue using the dialog window's message and resolve it.
Return to Step 1 until no further issues are found.
If no issue was found, the Logic should run when triggered.
What’s next?
You will set up inbound routes to the Logic (if needed depending on your design).
Note |
Additional testing is still recommended. The Logic Editor’s Verify Logic feature ONLY targets issues that prevent a Logic from running, and resolving all issues identified by it does not guarantee a Logic’s performance. We highly recommend further testing of your Logics to ensure that any other issues or unwanted behavior can be found before live use. |
Step 4: Set up routing and other settings
How your Logic can be triggered will depend on its flow. [ Should confirm ways to trigger: outbound via OmniOut, inbound call, API] For inbound-triggered Logics, you must select one or more phone numbers available in your company's Sharpen platform account. This section covers the process.
Inbound calls and/or SMS messages to any numbers in the Routing to... table will now trigger the current Logic when active.
What’s next?
You will publish the Logic for live use.
Step 5: Publish the Logic
To publish the Logic, do the following:
Your Logic is now live. It will trigger when reached by any selected inbound routes and/or when called by another Sharpen platform feature.
After publishing a Logic
Once a Logic is live, you can continue to manage it as needed. You may edit the Logic’s flow and/or settings, or remove the Logic from live use.