The "Add Email to Queue Panel" is a tool that allows agents to handle customer inquiries via email. Here is some important information about how to use this tool:
Panel Name: This is a unique identifier for the panel. It's recommended that you do not alter it once you've chosen a name.
To Address: This is the email address where the agent's response will be delivered.
To Name: This is the full name of the email recipient.
Callback Number: This is the phone number by which the email recipient can be reached.
Queue ID: This is the ID of the queue in which the email interaction will be created.
InteractionID Variable: This is the name of the interaction variable that will store the value of the created interaction's InteractionID. The associated Queue Call Manager ID can be pulled from this new interaction.
Exit Paths
When using the "Add Email to Queue Panel" feature, there are two possible exit paths: