Versions Compared


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  • When a timezone string is identified, it will apply the timezone to the hours you selected for the campaign. 

    • E.g. if 9-5 EST was selected in your campaign and you have contacts assigned to the following:

      • America/Indiana/Indianapolis

      • America/Denver

      • America/Los_Angeles

      • --no timezone string assigned for the contact--

      • Then, you will call:

        1. the Indianapolis contacts from 9-5 Eastern

        2. the Denver contacts from 9-5 Mountain,

        3. the Los Angeles contacts from 9-5 Pacific

        4. and the contacts with no timezone string would be called from 9-5 Eastern since that is the default for the campaign.

The hour range that you choose is the most important component if you are going to use the timezone string for all of your contacts.

If you don’t want to use the same hour range, you’ll need to setup different campaigns. (Don’t worry, the campaigns can all point to the same queue so that your agents are only in one queue).


The Setup

Setting up timezone support per contact changes based on where you are pulling your list — either Salesforce or Sharpen Tables.

Salesforce Setup

If you’re using Salesforce, add the following field to the campaign member page:
Setup > Objects and Fields > Object Manager > Campaign Member > Fields & Relationships

Custom Attribute Field Label

Field Name (__c will be appended)

Data Type

Method to Add


MemberTimezone API


Text (50 for length)


  • Required should be unchecked

  • What to expect if you don’t have this field?

    • You will not be able to adjust import based on the campaign member timezone (all contacts will adhere to the same schedule).

Once you’ve added the field, navigate to one of your campaign members. You’ll see a new field where you can enter your timezone string. That’s it (thumbs up).


Sharpen Tables Setup

If you’re using Sharpen Tables, add the following field to the structure of the FathomContacts Table:
Admin >Configuration > Sharpen Tables > Fathom Contacts

Field name: MemberTimezone (should save as membertimezone__api):


Once the field is added, assign the appropriate timezone string to the contact record in the table.

DB2 Table Setup

If you’re using DB2 Tables
