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Setting up a packet capture may be necessary in times of troubleshooting IP phone connectivity or call quality issues. This guide describes how to remotely or locally setup a packet capture using the commonly known Wireshark tool, or it’s subcomponent, Dumpcap.
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Please note, due to encrypted RTP present in webRTC traffic, this guide is NOT applicable to Sharpen Q phone if we’re looking to capture and interpret audio quality. For call quality concerns related to Sharpen Q phone, please refer to the webRTC-internals guide. Signaling and general RTP availability concerns through Sharpen Q Phone can still benefit from this guide. |
What is Wireshark?
Wireshark is a commonly used tool to capture inbound and outbound traffic from a designated network interface. The captured data is then used to provide historical troubleshooting material for the SharpenCare team. The tool is distributed in an open source model, free of charge.
Navigate to the original extraction point of the DumpcapSetup.zip
Locate the “Uninstall.bat” file and double-click
User Account Control will prompt for evaluated permissions. Continue or enter Administrator credentials to continue
Navigate to Desktop\DumpCap\Captures
Identify the proper capture associated with the incident
Date and time can be interpreted by observing the file name
Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second indicates start time of file Date Modified File Explorer column indicates the end time of the file
Copy the identified packet capture file
Upload the file to a cloud storage solution such as Google Drive, Onedrive, Dropbox, etc...
Provide public link to Sharpen in SharpenCare case
Sharpen will analyze the capture in conjunction with server-side captures to help reach root cause understanding.