Navigate to the "Console" tab
Click the "Clear Console" button
Navigate to the "Network" tab
Click the "Clear" button
Reproduce the issue
At this point you're ready to package the files and send them to Sharpen. Simply zip them up and send them to SharpenCare with the associated case.
Historic browser logging (net-export)
If the issue you're experiencing does not happen on demand, or predictably, you may need to enable Chrome net-export logging to run in the background while you wait for the issue to occur. The steps are simple
Open a new Chrome tab
Input chrome://net-export into the URL bar
Click the large "Start Logging to Disk" button
Choose a location to save the file and add a date/time designation to the filename
Navigate back to your Sharpen tab and reproduce the issue
Once you have reproduced the issue, navigate back to the "Network Log Export" tab and choose "Stop Logging"