*The new derived field for interactions entering a Q is called “Q Offered” to better match traditional WFM verbiage around “offered”. The API return for “entered” is the same as “Q Offered” in the system derived field.
Production Main - https://api.fathomvoice.com/V2/wfm/community/realTime/
Production Condo IZ1 - https://api-current.iz1.sharpen.cx/V2/wfm/community/realTime/
Stage (only for pre-production testing with Sharpen) - http://api-stage.sharpencx.com/V2/wfm/community/historical
Real Time
Returned Data
(formulas for Abandoned Count and Entered Count (also known as Q Offered) were taken from THIS PAGE on 4/12/21. Any subsequent modifications to the system derived fields (by Sharpen or the customer) will not be reflected in the API endpoint)
The formula for enteredCount (knows as “Q Offered” in insights Derived Fields
Code Block | ||
| ||
SUM( CASE WHEN ( queueID != "" AND ( answerTime != endTime OR ( answerTime IS NULL AND endTime IS NOT NULL ) OR ( answerTime = endTime AND waitTime > 0 ) ) AND ( commType != "phoneCall" AND ( transferType != "callback" OR transferType IS NULL ) ) ) OR ( queueID != "" AND transferType = "exitNoAgen" ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) |
The new formula for abandonedCount
Additional Notes
historical api limits query timeframe to a max of 6 hours