Navigate to the appropriate view of Sharpen within app.sharpencx.com in a Chromium based browser
Right-click in any empty space and choose "Inspect"
Choose the "Sources" tab
Observe the pane on the right side of the screen and find the "Watch" sub panel
Click the "+" button
Enter localStorage.debug=true
Hit Enter
Refresh your browserGoogle Chrome
Click in an open space within the app
Press Ctrl + M on your keyboard
You should notice a yellow panel/highlight across the top of your Q view. This indicates debug mode is on
Navigate back to the console Right-click in any empty space and choose "Inspect"
Navigate to the "Console" tab
To toggle off, simply adjust the value to falsepress Ctrl + M again
The yellow bar should go away at this time
Navigate to the appropriate view of Sharpen within app.sharpencx.com in a Chromium based browserGoogle Chrome
Click in an open space within the app
Press Option - + D on your keyboard
You should notice a yellow panel/highlight across the top of your Q view. This indicates debug mode is on
Right-click in any empty space and choose "Inspect"
Navigate to the "Console" tab
To toggle off, simply press Option - D again
The yellow bar should go away at this time
A different OS?:
Navigate to the appropriate view of Sharpen within app.sharpencx.com in a Chromium based browser
Right-click in any empty space and choose "Inspect"
Choose the "Sources" tab
Observe the pane on the right side of the screen and find the "Watch" sub panel
Click the "+" button
Enter localStorage.debug=true
Hit Enter
Refresh your browser
You should notice a yellow panel/highlight across the top of your Q view. This indicates debug mode is on
Navigate back to the console tab
To toggle off, simply adjust the value to false
Enabling timestamps and log persistence in console logging: