Navigate to the appropriate view of Sharpen within app.sharpencx.com in a Chromium based browser
Click in an open space within the app
Press Option - D on your keyboard
You should notice a yellow panel/highlight across the top of your Q view. This indicates debug mode is on
Right-click in any empty space and choose "Inspect"
Navigate to the "Console" tab
To toggle off, simply press Option - D again
The yellow bar should go away at this time
Enabling timestamps and log persistence in console logging:
Now, with debug mode enabled, we're getting more details events about Sharpen Q. The next step is to make sure time stamps are enabled so we can see when events are occurring.
After inspecting the page, navigate to the "Console" tab.
Look for the three vertical dots
Next, choose settings
Make sure both "Show timestamps" and "Preserve log upon navigation" are checked under Preferences>Console subsection.
Make sure “Preserve log” is checked under the “Network” subsection.
Reproducing the issue: