Navigate to Admin -> Configuration -> Logic & Actions
On the Logic & Actions page, click on the New Action button.
General Settings
In the Name field enter in a descriptive name such as “Assign 200 Queue Points to MyQs”.
In the Description field enter in a description of what this bot is meant to do.
The trigger is what initiates the Action bot
In the Trigger Type field select the Event option.
In the Sub Type field select the Queue option.
The event is used to narrow down the interactions that will be impacted by the Action bot. In this case we only want to add Queue Points to certain Queues and only when an interaction enters the queues.
In the filter field, select Queue Call Manager ID.
Select the “is not null” operator.
In the Order By field, select Queue Call Manager ID
In the Order By Sort field, select Descending.
In the Limit Results field, enter in 1.
The action bot is not fast enough to add the points directly at the time of queue entry, because it's not truly an event based action (still relies on a cronjob). So the adding of points takes 1-2 seconds.
Because of this, the points bubble will not show until a refresh, or new login to queue.
You can workaround this by using a more creative processing Q/action bot combo to make sure the points are assigned before it enters Q.
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